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When Do You Need to Call a Commercial Electrician?


If you find yourself in need of a commercial electrician Auckland, you're likely busy running your business. The last thing you want to do is spend more time dealing with electrical issues than necessary. When should you call a commercial electrician? When is it safe to take on the task yourself? We'll walk through the steps of determining whether or not to call an electrician for help with your project, and what questions can help ensure that doing so will be worth it.

Wiring problems

Wiring problems can be caused by poor installation or damage to the wiring. Common issues include:

  • Overloaded circuits. This occurs when too many appliances are plugged into one circuit, which leads to overheating and fire hazards.

  • Faulty wiring connections. When wires don't connect properly, you could have an electrical short or a loose connection that creates fires or shocks people touching exposed wires.

  • Dim lights or flickering lights with no apparent cause (possibly due to defective fuses).

Safety hazards

In the event of an electrical fire, you need to act fast to prevent damage. A commercial electrician Auckland will be able to assess the situation and determine if it is safe for you to remain on site, or if you need to evacuate immediately. If there are safety hazards in the area of your home or office, then it is best not to take any chances with your life or the lives of others.

If there are any electrical shocks which occur due to faulty wiring, a professional can assist with detecting these problems and repairing them before they become more severe and could result in injury or death.

New construction

The best time to call an electrician is when you are either building a new structure or renovating or expanding an existing structure. If you are adding electrical outlets and lighting fixtures, it is also important to consult with a professional electrician.

Here are some important things to keep in mind:

  • Electrical work must be done by a qualified professional.

  • The work needs to be approved by the local electrical inspector before it can be considered complete.

  • Building codes vary from area to area, so make sure that you understand all of the procedures for your region before beginning any work on your home or office space

Circuit-breakers tripping

If a circuit-breaker trips, first determine why the breaker tripped. Is there a short or overload? If so, call commercial electrician Auckland to investigate the problem further. If not, go ahead and shut off all power sources that are running through the affected circuit (i.e., lights) before switching back on one at a time to see if they may be causing problems with other circuits.

If your breaker doesn't trip when it should and this becomes a chronic problem, consider hiring an electrician to inspect your home's electrical system for defects and malfunctions that can trigger false trips; this might include loose wires or worn insulation around electrical fixtures and outlets.

On the other hand, if your breakers trip when they shouldn't—for instance, when someone flips on an appliance—the cause could be as simple as needing another fuse box installed elsewhere in your house so there isn't too much strain on any one area of wiring.


At the end of the day, it’s best to call a professional electrician if you are unsure about whether or not your commercial electrical system is in good working order. They will be able to diagnose and fix any issues that might be affecting your business and help keep you safe from harm.

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